"Oh, the thinks you can think"
-Dr. Seuss
-Dr. Seuss
I have been thinking, imagining, envisioning. Green, aqua colored pools and algae covered ponds, seagrass and moss, the ancient continent of Pangaea and the surrounding one-ocean of Panthalasca, ocean life, sea life, turquoise, chrysoprase, gaspeite . . . rainforest jaspers . . .
There is no shortage to ideas and vision around here. It's time that's the complexity in my day.
I have sea glass and orbicular jasper ideas.
I'm also working with some old materials in new ways, working my way into ocean life and pond life with some new series of drawings for "Seamorphs" or "Oceaomorphs" and "Polimorphs."

The notion of those Mexican and South American crystal clear rainforrest pools connected by submarine caverns that are teeming with plant an animal life, cenote's, have been in my mind for some time now.
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